📖Good Day and this is week 12 of bible study March 19th to March 25th; we are covering Book of Deuteronomy and Joshua.
We are following the bible study plan of Heart Dive by Kanoe Gibson. Please give her love and grace and subscribe.
If you need any more info about what Bible I am using please visit my resources page.
Day 078: Duet 24-27
Fav verse:
‘…So be careful to obey them wholeheartedly.’ 26:16
This chapter for me held great importance in my study. It shows a lot about how our hearts should match our actions. Sometime I think we put too much importance on our actions that we end up forgetting that our hearts to should represent God just as much. Yes we know our hearts can be deceiving and that’s why it’s so important to make sure that when we do listen to our hearts it’s one which beats with Gods. It is no good to just obey God if is your heart is bitter and resentful about doing it, never see your ability to follow Christ as a burden but as a chance to represent Jesus and be blessed for it.
Day 079: Duet 28-29
Fav verse:
‘If you do not serve the LORD your God with joy and enthusiasm for the abundant benefits you have received, you will be serve your enemies…’ 28:47
This chapter 28 may seem frightening to those new to faith with so many curses spoken of some which you think you may have even committed. But take note that yes there are many to face but that is if you abandon God and turn away from him even after knowing and loving him. God does not just want to curse you for the fun of it; even after all these curses he speaks of the chance to come back to him and be forgiven. Obey and do it with all your love as it’s our obedience to God that leads to breakthroughs in every aspect of our life.
Day 080: 30-31
Fav verse:
‘…and if you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and soul’. 30:10
As we finish the book of instructions it ends on a perfect note. And that is we all have a choice; everything we do is a choice leading us to curses or blessings, Israels journey being the perfect example of that. With the bible you have the choice to either just read it or to study and learn from it; with serving God, you have the choice to it with doubt and fear or with enthusiasm and faith. How you live as a Christian is just as important as you being a Christian. Commit yourself firmly to God, walking with him is a matter of the heart.
Day 081: Duet 32-34 + Psalm 91
Fav verse:
‘The LORD says “I will rescue those who love me and protect those who trust in my name…” 91:14
Here we read about Moses and his last moment on earth and what a life he lived. Through his first doubts of his ability to lead and speak to the people of Israel to him now being noted to as a one of a kind of prophet. In the end he may have made mistakes and missed out on being the one to step into the promise land he still remained faithful to God to the end and was blessed to see what land his people would have and one of the few people God himself called his servant. We may not be able to perform terrifying acts with the mighty hand of God and we too may make mistakes but the love and protection God gave to Moses and Israel is the same as what he is willing to give to us and the chapter in Psalms is a great example of what that love and protection is. God wants to fight for all of us.
Day 082: Josh 1-4
Fav verse:
‘No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you like I was with Moses. I will not fail or abandon you’. 1:5
God is so powerful and uses that power to help and lift us up. Joshua had big shoes to fill and was probably feeling very anxious with trying to live up to Moses but God reminded him that he as our heavenly father is bigger than our feelings of doubts and would never put us in positions that we could not manage with him guiding us. In the end Joshua done the best thing you can when struggling with doubt and worry and that was to keep moving forward and following Gods plan. When your faith in Gods ability is bigger than your worries on this earth nothing will overwhelm you. Know that Gods power is greater than any trials we will face.
Day 083: Josh 5-8
Fav verse:
“..My son, give glory to the LORD, the God of Israel, by telling the truth, make your confession and tell me what you have done. Don’t hide it from me.” 7:19
This was a big reminder of the benefits of laying out our sins out before God; when our sins and guilt is in Gods hands, no one else can take them and try to use it against us. We will no longer feel weighed or held down by down them. And that’s why Jesus had to make the ultimate sacrifice so that God could make covenant with us and promise us his forgiveness if we come to him and repent. So as hard as it may be give your sins to God and let yourself bee cleansed in his hands, you will get back up again God knows your heart and intentions,. He knows when you truly want to better your ways and spend your time on earth trying to walk as Christ did, do not use his forgiveness as an excuse to sin but as a reason for why you will fight temptation.
Day 084: Josh 9-11
‘So Israel examined their food but they did not consult the LORD’ 9:14
Consulting with God is an important part of our relationship with him. It shows our trust and submission to his ways and ability to judge better than we do. We are not all-knowing like he is and our heart is easily deceived when we think we know best, but it is in human nature to lie and we don’t know other peoples intentions behind their deceit but God sees all, he can save us from situations we didn’t even know we were in. God loves to protect and guide us in every little detail of our life all we need to do is include him and he will help direct us away from destructive detours and guide us through our battles to victory.
Your reflections:
What has been a verse this week that you felt was a personal message from God for your life?
What have you learnt through your own study of the Bible, that you could bring into next week’s reflections?
Many thanks for reading and May God bless and protect you this week!