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Full year Bible study – week 13

📖Good Day and this is week 13 of bible study March 26th to April 1st; we are covering Book of Joshua and Judges.

We are following the bible study plan of Heart Dive by Kanoe Gibson. Please give her love and grace and subscribe.

If you need any more info about what Bible I am using please visit my resources page.

Day 085: Josh 12-15

                            Fav verse:

‘Now, as you can see, the LORD has kept m alive and well as he promised for all these 45 years since Moses made this promise-‘ 14:10


God provides in divine timing, he will never leave us without on purpose but it’s important to know that his will takes time and some of the blessings you are asking for are not what we need in our journey with him, he is all knowing after all. Caleb was promised land but it took 45 years for it to come to fruition but during those years he gained experience, a family to share this land with and even at 85 was still in good enough health to fight and conquer this land and it was this build up of blessings that allowed him to watch God fulfil his word. How many of us would be willing to wait 45 years for what we know God has promised. Caleb may not be a main character in the story of Joshua but he is still a great example of true trust and faith in the LORD.

Day 086: Josh 16-18                   

                           Fav verse:

(There was not a verse that stood out for me today but if you have one leave a comment and I would love to read it.)


While I admit I struggle with understanding what it is God is trying to tell me in these filler chapters about boundaries of land I did understand that awareness of Gods presence and acceptance of his power in our life allows us to find courage and be strong. The descendants of Joseph in chapter 17 were worried about the strength of the Canaanites and that they thought they were too strong to fight against; but no nation, no person and no sin is stronger than God. There is no boundaries to Gods grace and power and our love for him should have no limit.

Day 087: 19-21

                           Fav verse:

‘Not a single one all the good promises the LORD had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true’ 22:45


We may not hear specifically what it is God has promised for our life but like the verse says none of Gods good promises were unfulfilled and I only hope that at the end of my life serving God on earth the same could be said for me and I hope the same if for you. Days are so long when you are in the period of waiting or Isolation but it’s about knowing that everything good God has spoken on our life will come true. Even in the greyest days of our faith God will not let us go without fulfilling his promises, the wait will be worth it no matter how long it takes.

Day 088: 22-24

                          Fav verse:

‘..It is not for burnt offerings or sacrifices; it is a reminder of the relationship both of us have with the LORD.’ 22:28


In chapter 22 the East side built an alter to God out of worry of being rejected from honouring God like the other tribes since they were separated from them. They could have let this fear manifest into sin by either going to war or worst deciding that God was not worth the effort but instead they knew that what was more important than being close to the other tribes was being able to remain close to God, that even if the other tribes saw them as outsiders the LORD was with them and would protect them. When you come to faith you may feel far from non believers yet so separated from those who do believe, but everyone’s walk with Christ is different and you will do what you need to, to protect your faith. Even if others don’t support you at first; God always will.

Day 089: Judge 1-2

                          Fav verse:

‘..For the LORD took pity on his people, who were burdened by oppression and suffering’ 2:18


What a merciful God and a loving father he is to us. Even when the Israelites turned away from Him and served others. God still came to their rescue and tried to save their faith again and again. And they were under the old covenant they didn’t have the sacrifice of Jesus to cleanse them of their sins and seek forgiveness from God with prayer, so why were they worth being saved from their sins but you feel like you aren’t. He has so much love for us that he has these plans and promises he wants to fulfill so we can live a good life under his glory, imagine how much is willing to do for you; someone who has not turned from him and trying to walk in the ways of Christ because they love him wholeheartedly.

Day 090: Judge 3-5

                             Fav verse:

“..But you will receive no honour in this venture, for the LORD’s victory over Sisera will be at the hands of a woman.” So Deborah went with Barak to Kedesh 4:9


God will chose those who are willing to let him lead the way and trust in his ability to lead them away from temptation and into the right direction and this choosing relies on nothing else. Throughout history woman have been seen as the weaker sex but when desperate times called we still stepped up to the fight such as in war or difficult situations in our families. Like Deborah God does not weight in our gender our weakness when picking his fighters, he looks only for those who can represent his love and spread his Glory. No matter what you think your weaknesses are it is the faith in your heart that qualifies you in Gods plans.

Day 091: Judge 6-7

                                   fav verse:

“ can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” 6:15


Never forget who you are. Know that no matter how small you may feel. God is bigger than this world and you were crafted in his image. So see yourself through Gods eyes and know that even in your weakest state Gods power is with you and our feelings can never change his power and glory and we are his children – his heroes of faith. Victory belongs to those who have faith and what is right in Gods sight because only through him can we become everything we have been called to be.

Your reflections:

What blessing are you waiting for God to fulfill? I asked for some christian friends and I am happy to see that coming into my life.

What have you learnt about God that you could bring into next week’s reflections?

Many thanks for reading and and join me again next week. God bless you all!