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Full year bible study- week 18

📖Good Day and this is week 18 of bible study April 30th to May 6th; we are covering Book of 2Samuel, 1Chronicles and Psalm

We are following the bible study plan of Heart Dive by Kanoe Gibson. Please give her love and grace and subscribe.

I am using a New Living Translation bible found here

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Day 120: Psalm 102-104

                            Fav verse:

‘He does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve.’ 103:10


The LORD is just so good, so loving and has so much compassion when it comes to our struggles. My Church last Sunday spoke about how some people believe they need to ‘get ready’ and ‘get their life in order’ before coming to Christ but as a sinner which we all are; I can tell you that is not true. We are all dependent on God even nature and animals do not seek his forgiveness or dress themselves in their Sunday best to go to Church and yet God provides for them daily. While yes compared to other Christians your spirit is weak and our flesh sinful, God knows this and yet he still called you. Many times we have seen that it’s when these prophets are at their weakest that God comes and saves them, he builds them up in his honour. Come to God as you are and let him dress and ready you for a life dedicated to him.

Day 121: 2Sam 5 + 1Ch 11-12              

                           Fav verse:

‘And David became more and more powerful because the LORD of Heaven’s Armies was with him.’ 11:9


We live in victory like David. We do not have to fear the enemy because God has already won. In our life the temptation of the world will be our biggest battle, it is the biggest reason we get led away from our faith. That is why we cannot depend on our own understanding and feelings as they are easily manipulated by the world and why like David we are called to seek out God for guidance and let him lead our battles. So that in the end we can live a life following Jesus and know that we are building up treasures in heaven while living in Gods blessings now. When we live for what we want, we will never get what our spirit is truly searching for.

Day 122: Psalm 133

                    Fav verse:

‘How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!’ 133:1


A very short but sweet psalm and a great motivator to love our neighbours. How much better the world and our life would be if we all lived in harmony, if we all loved how Christ did. Because as much as we try, the tempters hold on mankind’s flesh is every growing and not many truly live trying to create this harmony but luckily God gives us hope to see out our days knowing that in eternity there we will get to experience how beautiful life truly is when it’s ruled by harmony.

Day 123: Psalm 106-7

                          Fav verse:

‘Praise the LORD! Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.’ 106:1


This phrase is repeated so much throughout psalm because it is so important in our relationship with God, that we acknowledge his unfailing love and we give thanks to him for it. Particularly in the seasons when we feel God is far away, it can help renew our faith and remind us that God again and again has come to the rescue. Try to daily dedicate some time to remembering a psalm that you connect to and speaks of Gods love and remember it. So that no matter where you are or what you are doing when times to feel to heavy and God seems so far away you can praise him and know with him life will get better. A good starter is Psalm 23.

Day 124: 1Ch 13-16

                          Fav verse:

‘Because you Levites did not carry the Ark the first time, the anger of the LORD our God burst out against us. We failed to ask God how to move it properly.’ 15:13


Seek Gods way and all will go well. A lot of times we grumble against God, complaining when things don’t go our way, but life was never about our will but the LORDs. While it’s good to know that most of your desires are on your heart because God placed them there and he wants us to accomplish them, he also wants us to remember that we should never love these desires more than we love who have them to us. David was wise and seeks Gods directions before doing anything and the one time he did not do this with the moving of the Ark he failed to accomplish his goal. David gave up but quickly was reminded that God is with him and wants him to do this but to do it Gods way and when he did he succeeded. So can we in all good that we desire to do, because God will be with us.

Day 125: Ps 1-2,15, 22-24, 47,68

                             Fav verse:

‘Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!.’ 47:1


Tell everyone about Gods power and grace. We should live in such a way that others should be able to see the love of God through us. This does not mean we have to be perfect I spoke about it earlier in the week that it’s in our weakness moments Gods strength shows best. God wants us to live for him so that even if we lost our voice we can still praise God and show even other believers the difference between faith and doubt. The invisible God can become visible by the way we love.

Day 126: Ps 89,96,100-101,105,132


‘I will be careful to live a blameless life-when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home’ 101:2


Always have personal integrity, it will never matter if what good we do is seen by others or not as God sees everything and those times in our lives when we do the right thing and turn from temptations and yet nobody sees it and no one celebrates your hard work; know that even if you don’t receive all your rewards her on earth, it will be celebrated in heaven forever. While you shouldn’t get caught up in thinking that faith is all about performance or that it should be motivated by praise, God will always love when you seek to live a blameless life.

Your reflections:

What has been a verse this week that you felt was a personal message from God for your life?

What have you learnt about God that you could bring into next week’s reflections?

Many thanks for reading and and join me again next week